Infinix Hot 50 5G is confirmed to launch in India on September 5. Its design and key features were recently revealed by the company. Now, Infinix has teased the price range of the handset and confirmed its availability details. Earlier reports claimed that the upcoming smartphone may launch alongside the Infinix Hot 50 4G, Hot 50 Pro, Hot 50 Pro+, and Hot 50i variants. The lineup is expected to succeed the existing Infinix Hot 40 series. However, Infinix hasn’t revealed details about other models.
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Infinix Hot 50 5G Price Range in India, Availability
The Infinix Hot 50 5G is claimed to be the slimmest 5G smartphone in its segment. The segment has been defined as “5G smartphones launched under the Rs. 10,000 price segment on Flipkart.” This suggests that the upcoming Hot 50 5G handset from Infinix will be priced under Rs. 10,000.
A Flipkart microsite for the Infinix Hot 50 5G included details about the price range. A small video teaser on the site confirms that the phone will be available for purchase in India exclusively via Flipkart.
Infinix Hot 50 5G Features
Infinix had revealed earlier that the Hot 50 5G will measure 7.8mm in thickness. The promotional images on the microsite suggest that the phone will be offered in at least three colour options — blue, green, and light grey. The handset will carry a vertical pill-shaped rear camera module and offer an IP54-rated build for dust and splash resistance.
The Infinix Hot 50 5G will be powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 6300 SoC, with up to 8GB RAM alongside 128GB of UFS 2.2 onboard storage. The display will include a ‘Wet Touch’ feature, enabling users to interact with the screen even when it’s wet with water droplets. The phone will also carry a TÜV SÜD 60-month fluency certification.